Booksite development help wanted

As you may have guessed the Tychos and Tychosium is without any backing whatsoever except kind donations which we are very thankful for. As a side note I cannot fathom how all the professionally looking Flat Earth videos and webites can be produced without any backing. I mean it would be conspiratory to suggest that they are made to discredit any serious questioning of NASA, astronomy and the official narrative.

Anyway, we need help but we have nothing to offer in return except the honor of being a part of this historical project. But thankfully people with the needed skills have started to show up. We have an IT-hosting and infrastructure expert on board that have helped us get this forum online and set up a firewall so it won’t be crippled by attacks. And they are a reality. We also have an expert on book layout in the ranks now which means that a physical 2nd edition of the book is getting closer.

But one thing that bothers me and that I simply don’t have the time to deal with at the moment is the book site. It is made using a static site generator called Nextra GitHub - shuding/nextra: The Next.js Static Site Generator and this was a mixed bag it turned out. The good thing is that it was fairly easy to get up and running. The backside is that it’s not very easy to customize.

There’s a plethora of static site generators Hugo, Jekyll etc, so if anyone knows their ins and out with one that is suitable please help out if you can. The basic requirements are MDX-support, dark mode as default, fast loading times, mobile friendly, customizable. You can find the source and markdown for the book at GitHub - pholmq/Tychosbook: Created with CodeSandbox You are of course not allowed to make anything publicly accessible online. This is copyrighted material. And action is better than words. If you have the time and inclination to cook something up and show us via a private url, please go ahead.

All the best. Reason will prevail. /Patrik


I wish i had the skill and knowledge to help with what i think is an exciting and important project. I will ask around to my programmer friends and see what they say.